Gwydhar Gebien
Lead Producer
Director/Producer Gwydhar Gebien was born in New Mexico before her family relocated to the suburbs of Chicago and she got down to the practical, Midwestern business of Growing Up. From an early age she spent many hours drawing pictures of real and imaginary characters for stories that never got written and, she believed, never needed to be: the story was in the pictures. Realizing that she could tell a lot more story through motion pictures than through still images she decided that she wanted to be a filmmaker. She pursued her Bachelor’s Degree at Illinois Wesleyan University with a double major in Theatre and Fine Arts. Upon graduation she found gainful employment in the Chicago-based commercial studio, Steven Edsey and Sons. She founded a small, independent production company called Blue Damen Pictures through which she produced four short films and one microbudget feature: all of which she is very proud of, but she won’t force you to watch them. After seven years in the professional world she packed up her husband and cats and drove across the country to study at the University of Southern California. Now graduated back into the real world, Gwydhar now works with the Jacobson Group, discovering the exciting new world of entertainment financial service. One way or another, she’ll see you at the movies.
*Gwed-ra Gay-bin